Calida Rocks is hosted every Friday by James Whittall, a man who brings his own unique style of high-octane showmanship to proceedings. On air since 2017, Calida Rocks aired for six years on FM Radio before becoming independent in late 2023 and broadcasting on the Calida Rocks website. The show seamlessly blends a mixture of the big rock and metal tracks together with a host of independent gems. The result is the best rock and metal radio out there.
Calida Rocks is not only the show to listen to, but the one to be heard on. Don't take our word for it, check out the Testimonials page to see the esteem this show is held in. Many of these artists tune in personally every Friday for their fix of Rock and Heavy Metal.
Calida Rocks can be listened to every week via the 'Listen' section of this website with a new show available every Friday at 20.00 UK Time.
© Calida Rocks 2024